dankEconogy1_ALIENVillage [2024]Poster
Poster for Sahjan Kooner’s exhibition dankEconogy1_​ALIENVillage. Kooner cre­a­ted a mul­ti­ver­se encom­pas­sing ide­as and pro­ces­ses around migra­ti­on. The exhi­bi­ti­on is con­struc­ted as a com­plex envi­ron­men­tal instal­la­ti­on that inclu­des sto­ries, migrants, mate­ri­als, hou­ses, bio­lo­gies, tech­no­lo­gies, myco­lo­gies and futu­res. Using the lan­gu­a­ge of sci­en­ce fic­ti­on, from film to video games, the artist not only evo­kes a haun­ting, but also cre­a­tes an ima­gi­na­ti­ve mul­ti­ple rea­li­ty defi­ned by hope and love.